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Who We Are:

The BNIC Network LLC is the Parent Investment Club (PIC) over a group of Series Investment Clubs (SICs), and we have created a new investment community: The Closed Private Investment Network (CPIN). We’ve been developing a vision, mission, plan, and strategy since August 2020.

Our Vision and Mission:

We support the Black Community to become self-sufficient, self-reliant and self-determinant.

Our Core Values:

Black Unity (Economics)
Black Value of Life (Political/Leadership)
Black Love (Social)

Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter Movement

George Floyd’s public execution on May 25, 2020 brought a level of Black awareness around the world that has never been seen in our lifetimes. The Black Lives Matter Movement is larger than the BLM organization (of which we are not affiliated) and there is a desire among the Black community to take action beyond marching, protesting and boycotting. This is evidenced by a Facebook group formed for a Black boycott on July 7, 2020 going from a few hundred members at the start of May 2020 to 1.7 million members on July 7, 2020. Our founder is from that group.

Killer Mike

Inspired by Killer Mike

So we listened to Killer Mike and we planned and strategized first. Now we are organizing and executing our plan to support the Black community to survive America, starting in Detroit, the Blackest city in America. This is where we are deploying our “proof of concept” and creating the template for rebuilding other Black communities in the United States and throughout the diaspora.

Double Money!

What can we do?
We can double $$ every 1-2 years

We put Black cooperative group economics into practice. As the Parent Investment Club (PIC) we create Series Investment Clubs (SICs). It’s FREE to join and we allow those who want to support the Black community to join our SICs with a minimum annual investment of $120/year or $10/month. As a member, you can choose to participate in Investment Opportunities offered by the PIC. Our standard leveraged equity position real estate investments are projected to generate a Preferred Return on Investment (ROI) of least a 20% net profit on EVERY DEAL over a 3-6-month period.

Education is key

When you join a SIC, you have access to our Knowledge Center that teaches you about personal finance (so you can make better informed financial decisions), how to become financially independent, and how to put into practice our core values (practice group/cooperative economics, build a political and leadership base, and it takes a village to raise a child).

Invest with us

Every SIC has the opportunity to participate in Investment Opportunities presented by the PIC to purchase distressed properties in Detroit, rehab them, and sell them (house flipping). If a SIC votes to participate, then its members can individually choose to participate in the Investment Opportunity, which is projected to generate a Preferred Return on Investment (ROI) of at least a 20% net profit (on EVERY DEAL) over a 3-6-month period when using leverage.

How do we do it:

We use a proprietary “closed sales system” that identifies the appropriate property, then manages and shifts risk while using leverage to create a projected Preferred Return on Investment (ROI) of at least 20% net cash on cash return on EVERY DEAL over the rehab/replacement period (3-6 months).

Our PIC Real Estate Investment Opportunities can double your money every 1-2 years!

Our motto is “We don’t hit home runs. We hit singles and doubles…and we never, ever strike out.”

Using investment clubs to practice group economics is the first piece of a 1,000-piece puzzle to Surviving America While Black. We must own and control the real estate and businesses in our communities so we can feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, house ourselves, train and employ ourselves, educate ourselves, provide health and other social services to ourselves, and protect ourselves.

Surviving America While Black

Visit to view our plan to help the Black community survive America, starting in Detroit. We explain our strategy to use investment clubs with Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF) to strategically purchase real estate to rebuild Black communities, while simultaneously creating Black wealth. You can start earning double-digit ROI with as little as a $100 investment!

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Our Closed Private Investment Network (CPIN) is an invitation-only network. You must have a pre-existing relationship with someone within the network. You can join our Facebook group to help establish the relationship with those who are part of the CPIN.

We are now accepting applications for our investment clubs.
Contact the member of the CPIN you have a pre-existing relationship with for an invitation.